Heartset Series
A: Three Doors to the Healthy Living Revolution
by Deanne Roes
Step 1: DD / HLR Jamie Cantrell
Step 2: VF / 2,000+ Nicole Fletcher
Step 6: 6-4-5 Amber Weaver
Step 5: POB Dawn Rathmann
Step 3: PBQ Holly Morris
Step 4: SC Dawn Rathmann
Join the Team
1st piece of the P.I.E.
Build a Qualified Business
Duplicate Qualified Businesses
Explore those 12 Households
Next piece of the "P.I.E."
Fill your Virtual Restauant with Customers
Find, Keep, Duplicate, Repeat
Positive Health, Income and Community Experiences
24 Families: Positive Health Experience
12 Families: Positive Health Experience
DD: Positive Income Experience
PBQ: Positive Income Experience
VF: Positive Income Experience
3-5 Families: Positive Health Experience
Positive Health Experiences
Positive Income Experiences
Creating Positive Experiences
TC Leadership Calls